How to Generate Listing and Pending Inventory Reports

The ability to generate insightful real estate transaction reports is essential to manage a real estate brokerage or team successfully. Two of the most critical reports for estimating potential and future revenue are the Listing Inventory and Pending Inventory Reports. 

Offices using Paperless Pipeline can now quickly generate these reports to ensure that they’re able to get the information needed to understand company production. Whether used together or separately, the Listing Inventory and Pending Inventory Reports are particularly essential because they provide three key benefits:

Create a Balance Statement with the Listing and Pending Inventory Reports

Utilizing a Listing Inventory and a Pending Inventory Report together will clearly show the difference between what’s coming in and what’s going out. Generating this kind of “real estate transaction balance sheet” once a month will help you better understand growth or decline in productivity. 

Take it a step further and view the changes in productivity

Get a Pulse on the Market with the Listing Inventory Report

Active listings often go through numerous and unpredictable status changes on a daily or weekly basis. In response to that erratic nature of listings, the Listing Inventory should be run on a consistent monthly basis. A close watch on these inventory levels can help indicate market changes and possibly buyer frustration when there’s a lack of options.

Forecast Revenue with the Pending Inventory Report

The Pending Inventory Report will help your company forecast future commissions for any given time selected. Using the Pending Inventory Report, you can see the number of pending deals in your Paperless Pipeline account, the sales volume of those deals, and the total pending commission value. With that information, you can make decisions about production goals and future investments in recruitment

Here’s how you can generate a Listing Inventory Report or Pending Inventory Report Today: 

From your Paperless Pipeline Dashboard, click on Reports

On the Reports page, you’ll find two new options on the left menu:

  • Listing Inventory Report
  • Pending Inventory Report

Select the Report that you would like to download, filter by label and/or side, and then select the time periods to include. When you’re done, simply hit Download Report. It’s that simple!

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