12 Real Estate Brokerage Tools For Marketing

Source: Freepik

Real estate professionals are busy people. And marketing your brokerage effectively takes a lot of time and effort.

However, to stay ahead of your competitors and reach online audiences, your real estate brokerage must focus on going digital and marketing your business online.

If you struggle to get your marketing efforts right, you’re not alone. Over 75% of real estate professionals fail, and this is in part due to ineffective marketing.

The good news is that using digital marketing tools can help you engage with potential buyers, encourage better customer relationships, build your brand, and expand your reach. 

But, we know it can be challenging to make sense of digital marketing tools. 

With so many options on the market, it’s difficult to know which platforms will work best for your brokerage. That’s why we’ve put together this guide.

In this article, we share some of our favorite online marketing tools for brokerages to make your next real estate marketing campaign successful. 

We’ll also provide our top choices for social media, email, and search engine optimization (SEO) and discuss how each platform can benefit your real estate brokerage. 

Social Media Marketing Tools

Almost 73% of people in the U.S. have access to at least one social media account—that’s over 246 million people. 

This is a huge audience of potential home buyers that real estate companies can reach with the right social media tools. 

Source: Freepik

However, managing multiple accounts across different social media platforms can become overwhelming.

That’s why we recommend using a semi-automated platform to do the work for you.

These tools can post your content for you, and many of them have templates that you can use to create engaging social media captions and posts. 

Below, we outline some of our favorite social media tools to kickstart your real estate marketing strategy:

➡️ PorchLyte 

PorchLyte is a social media management tool with hundreds of customizable templates, pre-written posts, images, and captions. 

This means that real estate professionals won’t have to spend hours trying to come up with the perfect content.

PorchLyte also refreshes its templates each month, so you’ll always have new templates and captions to post on your brokerage’s social media accounts. 

This platform also provides blog posts, masterclasses, social media training, and live coaching on social media topics via its private Facebook page. 

Some of the topics covered in these courses have included how to film and create videos for different social media accounts, as well as tips for writing engaging captions for social media posts.

Platforms like these are particularly useful real estate marketing tools for brokerages that are new to social media and need some help getting started. 

💲 Pricing

PorchLyte is a paid service that offers a quarterly or yearly payment plan starting at $141.

➡️ Biteable

Biteable allows you to create high-quality videos for different social media websites and businesses. 

This website also offers customized videos for real estate businesses. This allows your agents to create videos for open houses, lifestyle ads, and thought leadership. 

There are also plenty of helpful tips and ideas on Biteable’s website to help first-time video creators get started. 

Biteable also animates and personalizes the videos to match your real estate brokerage’s branding.

It’s important to note that video campaigns are becoming an increasingly important real estate marketing tool. 

In fact, research from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows that 73% of homeowners are more likely to list with a real estate agent that uses videos for marketing. 

💲 Pricing

Biteable offers a free plan to get you started, but you can also upgrade to a monthly plan for $49 to unlock more advanced features.

➡️ Buffer

Buffer helps businesses analyze their social media performance, create reports, automate posts, and engage with their audience. 

This platform allows you to track your real estate brokerage’s likes, new followers, comments, and reach across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

Buffer also gives you insight into your followers’ demographics. This can help you identify whether your social media posts are reaching the right audience of home buyers.

With this real estate technology tool, you can track what content performs the best among your brokerage’s followers. 

This is helpful because, once you know what kind of content your audience likes, you can create similar posts and tailor your real estate marketing efforts accordingly. 

You should use Buffer as one of your social media management tools, as you can automate your real estate marketing campaigns and social media posts with this platform.

💲 Pricing

Buffer offers both free and paid subscription options. The website’s payment plans start at $5 per month. 

➡️ BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is a platform that helps businesses discover engagement, outreach, and content opportunities across social media websites and searches.  

This platform actively scans blogs, news outlets, and forums to deliver worldwide industry trends and content directly to you.

Not only is this a great way to generate content ideas to post across your blog and social media accounts, but it also keeps your agents informed about the latest industry trends. 

BuzzSumo also allows you to research video ideas and formats across YouTube. This is important, as over 50% of home buyers use YouTube to search for properties. 

BuzzSumo will help you make sure your video marketing is engaging and effective. 

One of the other valuable features of BuzzSumo is that it helps you track the performance of your social media accounts over time. 

This allows real estate professionals to identify content gaps and their best-performing posts. BuzzSumo’s insights can also help you decide when to post online. 

💲 Pricing

Free and paid plans are available, with the option to get billed annually or monthly. Paid subscriptions start at $99.

➡️ Missinglettr

Missinglettr allows businesses to create social media drip campaigns, track engagement, and automate posting schedules. 

As a real estate marketing platform, Missinglettr lets you send pre-written social posts to prospects and customers.

Missinglettr’s calendars and automated posting schedules can also help you organize your social media content and plan your campaign months in advance. 

Real estate agent tools like this can help save time and free you from tedious social media admin.

Missinglettr also helps you find ways to increase engagement across your social media accounts to help grow your brokerage’s followers. 

The platform does this by using AI to research and identify the relevant keywords and hashtags to include in your posts to increase their reach. 

💲 Pricing

Missinglettr offers free and billed subscriptions, with monthly payment options starting at $19. 

Email Marketing Services (EMS)

Although many real estate professionals think it’s outdated, email campaigns are still one of the most effective marketing strategies for businesses. The numbers speak for themselves. 

Almost 90% of Americans use email, and 59% of people also say that marketing emails regularly influence their purchasing decisions.

This shows that there’s huge potential for your real estate brokerage to reach and market its services to a massive audience of home buyers. 

Source: Freepik

Email marketing also allows you to segment your contacts into different groups. These segments may be based on location or whether your contacts are first-time buyers or sellers—to name just a few examples. 

This ensures you send the right marketing messages to each contact group’s specific needs and habits. 

Email marketing also allows you to reach thousands of prospects and customers at the touch of a button.

Below, we’ve provided some of the best email marketing tools on the market to help you find the right one for your real estate agency. 

➡️ Mailchimp

Mailchimp allows you to automate email marketing campaigns, use different templates, track engagement, and conduct A/B testing. 

The platform’s Creative Assistant can learn about your brand through AI and suggest different email templates that would suit your brokerage.

This can be particularly useful for real estate businesses that don’t have the time or budget to design these templates in-house. 

Mailchimp also allows you to segment your contact lists according to shared traits and target your marketing messages to your current and future clients’ buying habits.

You can also use Mailchimp for A/B testing to help you identify the type of content and messaging that gets the best results. 

💲 Pricing

Mailchimp’s paid subscriptions start at $11 per month. The price depends on how large your email marketing campaigns are. 

➡️ HubSpot 

HubSpot is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform that also offers a variety of email marketing tools. A CRM is a tool that can be very useful in your real estate career.

With HubSpot’s analytics, your real estate agents can track open rates, identify which content drives the most engagement, and conduct A/B testing. This in-depth data is invaluable to your brokerage.

There are also several email templates to choose from, and the drag-and-drop editor allows you to customize your brokerage’s branding and calls-to-action on its email campaigns. 

You can also use HubSpot to automatically send your email campaigns to each of your subscribers at the optimal time of day to ensure a better open and click-through rate. 

💲 Pricing

HubSpot’s subscriptions start at $45 per month. For more advanced features, you can upgrade your account to a professional or enterprise plan—depending on the size of your real estate brokerage. 

➡️ Sender

Sender allows you to create email marketing campaigns and newsletters with customizable templates.

Newsletters are valuable real estate marketing tools because they allow you to provide something of value to your subscribers. They’re also great for lead generation.

For example, you could include insights from your real estate agents about the latest housing market trends or a round-up of new properties listing soon. 

With Sender, you can also analyze your email campaigns to see which content drives the most engagement and click-throughs. 

This email marketing tool also creates subscriber profiles to get a better idea of who your contacts are and when they are most active on their email accounts. 

💲 Pricing

Sender has a free subscription option for smaller businesses as well as paid plans for companies with larger subscriber lists. Billing options include monthly or annual plans starting at $41.75.

➡️ MailerLite

MailerLite allows users to create customized email campaigns and newsletters, segment customers, and access performance metrics. 

This email marketing software also enables you to target multiple audiences within the real estate industry in one newsletter. 

Each email block can be assigned to a different buyer or seller group so that they only see the content that’s relevant to them. 

This ensures that your real estate brokerage reaches a wider audience with a single email. 

You can also generate email performance and engagement reports with MailerLite. This helps you track how well your campaigns are doing and which areas you need to improve. 

These reports can help real estate teams make sure that each new campaign or newsletter does better than the last.

💲 Pricing

MailerLite’s payment plans depend on how many subscribers you have and how many emails you want to send each month. Subscriptions start at $10, and premium features will cost you $100 per month. 

Website and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Once you’ve got the right social media and email marketing tools in place, the next step is to focus on your website if you want to generate more leads.

However, there’s no point in building a great real estate website for your brokerage if no one can find it in the search results on search engines like Google.

In this section, we take a closer look at some of the best website development and SEO tools to ensure your brokerage gets noticed online. 

Source: Freepik

➡️ Ahrefs

Ahrefs is an SEO software suite that helps businesses conduct keyword research, analyze their competitors’ websites, and check their ranking in search results. This is all vital to your SEO.

This is a useful tool that allows you to find the right keywords to optimize your website and blog content to improve your brokerage’s website rankings. 

The higher your website appears in the search results on Google, the easier it is to drive website traffic to your real estate brokerage’s page. 

Ahrefs also gives users access to free learning resources to help them learn more about SEO and make the most of the platform.

💲 Pricing 

Although there are different payment options depending on the size of your website, standard subscriptions start at $99. 

➡️ Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO helps users write SEO-optimized content like blog posts, articles, and landing pages. 

This is a valuable tool to help you ensure that your real estate brokerage’s content will reach your target audience in different search results. 

Surfer SEO also has a built-in keyword research tool to help you identify which terms you should target to drive traffic to your website. 

This platform provides users with suggestions from top-performing pages to help inform your content’s word and image count, keywords, and writing structure. 

Surfer SEO also offers free Google Chrome extensions to help users optimize their content and find keywords while they write and browse the internet. 

💲 Pricing

There are three pricing plans available that range at $49 to $199 per month, depending on what your real estate business needs. 

➡️ Placester

Placester is a website-building tool designed specifically for the real estate market. 

You can either use this platform’s website templates as a guide or customize them according to your real estate company’s branding. 

Placester also has built-in SEO tools to ensure that you optimize your pages to rank high in search engine results. 

You can also edit your website in real time from the platform as your brokerage grows or hires new agents.

Website-building platforms like Placester are particularly useful for smaller businesses that don’t have access to developers or designers. 

💲 Pricing

There are different subscription options available, with Placester’s standard plans starting at $80 per month.

Start Your Digital Marketing Strategy Today

A strong digital presence is one of the best things you can do to grow your real estate business and extend your reach on social media. However, it starts with having the right real estate marketing tools.

The suggestions discussed in this article will help you automate your social media and email campaigns, build your brand, and outrank your competitors quickly. 

Source: Freepik

Give Your Marketing Efforts Your Best with Paperless Pipeline

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